Workshop 6. Shell Scripts and Cluster Computing

Shell scripts

Shell scripts are files that contain commands that are understood by a shell program (e.g. bash). All of the commands that can be run on a command line may also be included in a shell script, but there are some features in shell scripts that are not available on the command line.

Basic shell script

The most basic shell script is a file that has a single command in it. Typically, shell script filenames end in .sh, to indicate they are shell scripts. For example:

$ cat
du . | sort -nr | head

The shell script example above contains one command line command that prints to the screen the top ten largest files under the current directory. Shell scripts may contain as many valid command line commands as desired.

Shell scripts may be created using any regular text editor.

Running shell scripts

This shell script may be run in one of two ways:

$ bash # method 1
319268  .
221556  ./content
221552  ./content/workshops
217880  ./content/workshops/05_ngs_app_session_2
5356    ./.build
4384    ./.build/html
4344    ./.git
4180    ./.git/objects
2780    ./content/workshops/04_R
1436    ./.build/html/_downloads
$ . # method 2
319268  .
221556  ./content
221552  ./content/workshops
217880  ./content/workshops/05_ngs_app_session_2
5356    ./.build
4384    ./.build/html
4344    ./.git
4180    ./.git/objects
2780    ./content/workshops/04_R
1436    ./.build/html/_downloads

In the first method, the command bash invokes a new bash shell, executes the commands in script inside the new shell, and exits. In the second method, the commands in the script are executed as if they had been typed on the current command line. This distinction may be important depending on what variables are defined in the script (see Environment and user defined variables below). Specifically, if a variable is defined in the current shell environment and redefined in the script, the first method will preserve the local environment variable, while the second does not:

$ cat
MYVAR=junk # (re)define the variable named MYVAR
$ MYVAR=stuff # define the variable MYVAR in the current environment
$ echo $MYVAR
$ bash
$ echo $MYVAR
$ .
$ echo $MYVAR

The . method has overwritten the local variable MYVAR value, while the bash method does not.

Making shell scripts executable

There is a third method for executing shell scripts that involves making the script executable.

Linux file permissions

Every file in a linux operating system has a mode that defines which operations a given user has permission to perform on that file. There are three types of modes: read, write, and execute. These mode types may be assigned to a file for three different types of users: owner, group, and others. Each file has an owner and a group associated with it, and the mode of the file may be inspected using the ls -l command:

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 12 Oct 14 17:24

Here, the output of ls -l is interpreted as follows:

  owner                           last
  |  group                      modified
  |  |  others       group        date
 / \/ \/ \          /    \    /          \
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 12 Oct 14 17:24
           | \    /         |              \          /
           |  owner        file              filename
          num              size

See this page for more information on linux file permissions.

By default, files created will have a mode such that the creator may read and write the file, and users in the file’s group and others may only read the file. To make a file executable, the execute mode on that file must be set appropriately:

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 12 Oct 14 17:24
$ chmod a+x
$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 12 Oct 14 17:24

Any user on the system now has access to execute this script.

In addition to setting the execute mode on the script, executable shell scripts must also have a shebang line. The shebang line in a bash script looks like #!/bin/bash. This must be the first line on the shell script, e.g.:

$ cat


The shebang line tells the shell which program should be used to run the commands in the script. It always starts with #!, followed by a command that can understand the contents of the script. For example, python scripts may be made executable by setting the executable mode on the file as above and adding #!/usr/bin/python at the top of the python script. Note the program specified uses an absolute path, i.e. /usr/bin/python instead of just python. It is good practice to specify the absolute path to the desired program in the shebang line, which can be identified for a given command on the path using the which command:

$ which python

The # symbol is often called ‘hash’, and the ! symbol is often called ‘bang’ in linux parlance. Thus, shebang is the inexact contraction of ‘hash’ and ‘bang’.

Once the execute mode is set on the script and the appropriate shebang line has been specified, the script can be run as follows:

$ ./

Running scripts in this way is equivalent to the bash form. Executable shell scripts may always be run by the other two methods mentioned in Running shell scripts as well as with the ./ prefix.

bash scripts

Scripts that include commands from the bash language are called bash scripts. bash has many language features, but some are only conveniently implemented in scripts, while others are exclusively available in scripts. This section covers the key concepts of bash that are useful in writing scripts.

Environment and user defined variables

The bash program supports storing values into variables, similar to other languages. Variables in bash are typically named in all capital letters and underscores, but this is not required, e.g.:

$ MYVAR=stuff
$ nonstandard_but_valid_bash_variable_name=other stuff

The values stored in a variable are always stored as a string; there are no numeric types in bash.


When defining a shell variable, there must be no spaces between the variable name and the equals sign. For example, the following definition throws an error:

$ MYVAR = stuff
bash: MYVAR: command not found


There are many environment variables defined by bash by default. To see a list of them, use the env command:

$ env | head

Shell expansion

Certain expressions in bash result in shell expansion, where the expression is literally substituted with another string before a command is executed. The simplest shell expansion type is shell variable expansion, which is accomplished by prepending a $ to the variable name, optionally surrounding the variable name in curly braces:

$ MYVAR=stuff
$ echo $MYVAR
$ echo ${MYVAR} # equivalent to above

Above, the value of MYVAR is literally replaced in the echo command before it is run. This type of shell expansion is useful for, e.g. storing a filename prefix and used to create multiple derivative files, e.g.:

$ PREFIX=file_sizes_top
$ du . | sort -nr | head -n 10 > ${PREFIX}_10.txt
$ du . | sort -nr | head -n 100 > ${PREFIX}_100.txt
$ du . | sort -nr | head -n 1000 > ${PREFIX}_1000.txt
$ ls
file_sizes_top_10.txt  file_sizes_top_100.txt  file_sizes_top_1000.txt

You can use as many variable expansions in a command as desired. For example, we could perform the same operation above using a variable for the number of top largest files:

$ PREFIX=file_sizes_top
$ NUM=10
$ du . | sort -nr | head -n $NUM > ${PREFIX}_${NUM}.txt
$ NUM=100
$ du . | sort -nr | head -n $NUM > ${PREFIX}_${NUM}.txt
$ NUM=1000
$ du . | sort -nr | head -n $NUM > ${PREFIX}_${NUM}.txt
$ ls
file_sizes_top_10.txt  file_sizes_top_100.txt  file_sizes_top_1000.txt


bash does not require that a variable be defined to substitute it into a command. If a variable expansion is used on a variable that does not exist, the empty string will be substituted:

$ PREFIX=file_sizes_top
$ du . | sort -nr | head -n 10 > ${PERFIX}_10.txt # <- typo!
$ ls

These are some of the useful environment variables that are defined by default in bash:

$ echo $PWD      # absolute path to present working directory
$ echo $PATH     # the set of directories bash searches to find commands run
                 # on the command line
$ echo $RANDOM   # returns a random number in the range 0 - 32767
$ echo $HOSTNAME # the host name of the computer you are currently working on

Command expansion

Similar to variable expansion, bash has two ways to take the output of one bash command and substitute it into another. The syntax is either `<command>` or $(<command>):

$ basename .sh # removes prefix path elements and .sh extension
$ BASENAME=$(basename .sh)
$ echo $BASENAME
$ BASENAME=`basename .sh` # equivalent to above
$ echo $BASENAME

This form of expansion can be useful for making bash scripts generic when passing in a file on the command line upon execution (see Command line arguments below).

Variable manipulation

Variables in bash have special syntax for manipulating the value of the strings contained within them. These manipulations include computing the length of a string, substituting a portion of the string with a regular expression, stripping off a particular pattern from the beginning or end of a string, etc. These are some of the more useful examples:

$ VAR=ABCABC123456.txt
$ echo ${#VAR} # length of VAR
$ echo ${VAR:3} # value of VAR starting at position 3 (0-based)
$ echo ${VAR:3:5} # string of length 5 starting at position 3
$ echo ${VAR%%.txt} # remove longest occurence of .txt from end of VAR
$ echo ${VAR/ABC/XYZ} # replace first occurence of ABC with XYZ
$ echo ${VAR//ABC/XYZ} # replace all occurences of ABC with XYZ

See the Manipulating Strings page of the bash language reference for more types of string manipulations.

Command line arguments

Bash scripts can access command line arguments passed to the script using special variables $0, $1, $2, $3, etc. $0 expands to the name of the executed command, which depends on how the script was executed:

$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 12 Oct 14 17:24
$ cat
echo $0
$ bash
$ .
$ ./

$1 expands to the first command line argument, $2 expands to the second, and so on:

$ cat
echo $0, $1, $2, $3
$ bash arg1, arg1
$ . arg1
bash, arg1, ,
$ ./ arg1
./, arg1, ,
$ ./ arg1 arg2
./, arg1, arg2,
$ ./ arg1 arg2 arg3
./, arg1, arg2, arg3
$ ./ arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
./, arg1, arg2, arg3

The positional variables behave just like any other bash variables in a script.

One additional variable that is sometimes useful is $#, which expands to the number of command line arguments passed on the command line:

$ cat
echo $#
$ ./
$ ./ arg
$ ./ arg arg

Another variable that is also useful is $@, which is a string of all the command line arguments in one variable:

$ cat
echo Arguments: $@
$ ./
$ ./ arg1
Arguments: arg1
$ ./ arg1 arg2 arg3
Arguments: arg1 arg2 arg3

Conditional statements

bash supports conditional statements and constructs. Below are several examples of how to write conditional expressions:

[ <operator> <value 2> ] # test on value 2
[ ! <operator> <value 2> ] # negated test on value 2
[ <value 1> <operator> <value 2> ] # comparative test of value 1 and 2
[ ! <value 1> <operator> <value 2> ] # negated test on value 1 and 2

In the above examples, the spaces are important; all terms, including the [ and ] must be separated by spaces.

Command exit status

Every command executed in a bash shell returns an integer called an exit status. The exit status of a command indicates what happened during the execution of the command. Typically, 0 means the program executed successfully and any other number means there was a failure. The exit status of the last executed program is automatically stored into the environment variable $?. For example:

$ echo hello
$ echo $? # exit status of previous echo command
$ cat nonexistent_file.txt
cat: nonexistent_file.txt: No such file or directory
$ echo $? # exit status of previous cat command

The exit status of 1 means the cat command failed. The exit status of each command can be used to implement conditional logic based on the success or failure of commands run in a script.

The conditional expressions above have no output but produce an exit status of 0 or 1 based on evaluation of the test:

$ [ "a" = "a" ] # test if "a" and "b" are lexicographically identical
$ echo $?
$ [ "a" = "b" ]
$ echo $?
$ [ -z "" ] # test if the value is empty
$ echo $?

Here are some of the common useful operators that can be used to construct conditional statements:

# all of these examples evaluate to 0 (true)

# for strings
"a" = "a" # test for lexicographical equality
"a" != "b" # test for lexicographical inequality
-z "" # test whether value has zero length
-n "a" # test whether value does not have zero length

# for integers
1 -eq 1 # test for integer (non-lexicographic) equality
1 -ne 2 # test for integer inequality
1 -gt 0 # integer greater than test
1 -ge 1 # integer greater than or equal to test
1 -lt 0 # integer less than test
1 -le 1 # integer less than or equal to test

# for files
-e hello_world.qsub # test if file or directory exists
! -e hello_world.qsub # test if file or directory does not exist
-f hello_world.qsub # test if the argument is a regular file
                    # (i.e. not a directory, pipe, link, etc)
-d dir/ #test if the argument is a directory
-s nonempty_file.txt # test if the file has non-zero contents

Conditional statements can be used in two ways. The first is as guards in command line commands that use the logical operators && and ||:

$ cat nonexistent_file.txt
cat: nonexistent_file.txt: No such file or directory
$ [ -e nonexistent_file.txt ] && cat nonexistent_file.txt
$ # cat was not executed, because the initial test fails

The && operator is a logical AND operator for exit statuses. It can be used in between two separate commands to short-circuit command execution. In the above example, chaining the file existence test before the cat command prevents the latter command from running and failing if the file does not exist. If the file does exist, the file existence test passes and the cat command is executed as expected. When chaining together commands in this way, a command will continue executing subsequent commands as long as the current command evaluates to an exit status of 0.

The || operator is a logical OR operator for exit statuses. It can be used to construct more complicated conditional logic on a single line. For example:

$ ls new_file.txt existing_file.txt
ls: cannot access new_file.txt: No such file or directory
$ [ ! -e new_file.txt ] && touch new_file.txt || \
  ls new_file.txt existing_file.txt
existing_file.txt new_file.txt

In the above example, the ls command runs regardless of whether new_file.txt exists or not, because we create it only if it does not already exist.

bash also supports if statement syntax:

if [ ! -e new_file.txt ];
    touch new_file.txt
    # do nothing, else not necessary here,
    # just including for illustration

ls new_file.txt existing_file.txt

This example has the same effect as the previous inline example using && and ||. The if statement syntax can be specified on the command line as well as in scripts, if desired:

$ if [ ! -e new_file.txt ]; then touch new_file.txt; fi
$ ls new_file.txt existing_file.txt
existing_file.txt new_file.txt

Conditional expressions can also be used with the while looping construct, for example:

while [ ! -e server_is_up.txt ];
    echo Checking if server is up...
    curl > /dev/null
    if [ $? -eq 0 ];
        touch server_is_up.txt
        sleep 5 # curl exited with an error, wait five seconds

This example uses the sentinal file pattern, where the file server_is_up.txt is used to indicate the state of another process.

See the bash reference on tests for more complete description of conditional expressions and tests.

for loops

bash supports for loop constructs. The for loop is especially helpful when a number of files or values must be iterated for each execution of the script. For example, we could create a backup of every text file in the current directory:

for fn in *.txt
    cp $fn ${fn}_bak

The syntax of the for loop goes like:

for <iter varname> in <expression>

Here, <iter varname> can be any valid bash variable name, and <expression> can be any list of values or valid shell expansion. Note in the backup example above the expression can be a glob. By default, the for loop iterates on each space-delimited value in <expression>, for example:

# these loops all print out 1-4 on individual lines

# list of values
for i in 1 2 3 4
    echo $i

# variable expansion
MYVAR="1 2 3 4"
for i in $MYVAR
    echo $i

# command expansion
for i in $(seq 1 4)
    echo $i

The command expression example can be very useful when running some number of trials of an analysis, for example:

for i in $(seq 1 $NUM_TRIALS)
    # assume ./ exists and runs some randomized analysis
    ./ > trial_${i}.txt

It may also be useful to write a script that processes each argument on the command line separately using $@:

$ cat
for i in $@;
    echo $i
$ ./
$ ./ 1 2
$ ./ 1 2 3 4

Cluster Computing

Cluster computing is a strategy to enable the efficient utilization of a large number of computers connected together in a shared setting. As computational needs have grown, dedicated computing facilities with hundreds or thousands of individual computers have been established to run larger and larger scale analyses. This development presents a new set of challenges to system administrators and end users in how to manage and use these large numbers of connected computers.

Cluster concepts

Clusters are typically organized similarly to the following illustration.


Below are some key terms and definitions for using a cluster:

Individual computers, or nodes are installed into racks and connected by high speed network connections to each other and usually to large shared storage disks.
worker node or compute node
Most of the nodes on a cluster are dedicated for performing computations and are called worker or compute nodes. There may be hundreds or thousands of such nodes, but most of them are not directly accessible.
head node or login node
A small number of nodes are designated as head nodes or login nodes that users connect to directly, and then request certain types of computational resources for running programs on the cluster using special cluster management software. The purpose of a head node is to prevent users from manually running jobs on worker nodes in an uncoordinated and inefficient manner, and to manage the resources on the cluster in the most efficient way possible. Computationally intensive processes should not be run on head nodes. You’ll likely get curt emails from the system administrators if you are found doing so!
The cluster management software then examines the resources of a request, identifies one of the worker nodes that matches the requested resources, and spawns the requested program to run on that worker node. A request that has been allocated to a worker node is called a job.
batch job
Jobs that are submitted to the cluster to run non-interactively are called batch jobs. These jobs are managed by the cluster software directly and the user does not interact with them as they run. Any terminal and program output are written to files for later inspection.
interactive job
Interactive jobs are jobs allocated by the cluster management software that give a user an interactive shell, rather than running a specific command. Interactive jobs are not intended for running computationally intensive programs.
One resource a job may request is a certain number of slots. A slot is equivalent to a single core, so a process that runs with 16 threads needs to request 16 slots in its request. A job requesting slots must in general be run on a worker node with at least the requested number of slots. For example, if a job requests 32 slots, but the largest worker node on the cluster only has 16 cores, the job request will fail because no worker node has resources that can fulfill the request.
Cores are only one type of resource configured on a cluster. Another type of resource is main memory (i.e. RAM). Some worker nodes have special architectures that allow very large amounts of main memory. For a job that is known to load large amounts of data into memory at once, a job must request an appropriate amount of memory. Another resource is the amount of time a job is allowed to run. Jobs usually have a default limit, e.g. 12 hours, and are forceably killed after this time period if they have not completed.
parallel environment
A parallel environment is a configuration that enables efficient allocation of certain types of resources. The most common use of parallel environments is to submit jobs that request more than one slot. The correct parallel environment must be supplied along with the request to have the job run on an appropriate worker node.

Cluster computing tools

Users interact with the cluster from the head node with commands included in the cluster management software suite installed on the cluster. Oracle Grid Engine (OGE), Torque, and SLURM are some common cluster management software suites, but there are many others. The specific commands for interacting with the cluster management system vary based on the software suite, but the ideas above are for the most part applicable across these systems. The remainder of this guide will focus on the commands that are specific to the Oracle Grid Engine (OGE) and Torque.


Basic usage

Submit a batch job. The usage of qsub goes as follows:

qsub [options] <script path> <arguments>

Here, <script path> is a path to a script file, which may be any kind of text-based script that can be run on the command line and contains a shebang line (see Making shell scripts executable). This is often a shell script that includes the specific commands desired to run the batch job, but may also be, e.g. a python script. Shell scripts that are submitted as qsub script often have the .qsub extension to signify it is intended to be submitted to qsub. For example, consider the file named hello_world.qsub:


echo hello world
cat nonexistent_file

The script starts with a shebang line indicating which program is a bash script followed by a single command. To submit the script:

$ qsub -P project -o hello_world.stdout -e hello_world.stderr hello_world.qsub
Your job 2125600 ("hello_world.qsub") has been submitted
$ ls hello_world.* # after the job has completed
hello_world.qsub  hello_world.stderr  hello_world.stdout
$ cat hello_world.stdout
hello world
$ cat hello_world.stderr
cat: nonexistent_file: No such file or directory

The qsub command submits hello_world.qsub to the system for execution as a batch job. The command line arguments provided are interpreted as follows:

-P project # a project name is sometimes required for accounting purposes
-o hello_world.stdout # write the standard output of the command to this file
-e hello_world.stderr # write the standard error of the command to this file

Cluster administrators often organize users into projects, that enable tracking, accounting, and access control to the cluster based on a project’s permissions. On some systems, supplying a project with the -P flag is required to submit any jobs.

Instead of supplying these arguments to qsub on the command line, they may also be included in the script itself prefixed with #$:


# equivalent to the above, do not need to specify on command line
#$ -P project # a project name is sometimes required for accounting purposes
#$ -o hello_world.stdout # write the standard output of the command to this file
#$ -e hello_world.stderr # write the standard error of the command to this file

echo hello world
cat nonexistent_file

When a qsub script is submitted it enters a queue of jobs that are not yet allocated to a worker node. When a resource has been allocated, the requested job dequeues and enters a run state until it completes or exceeds its run time.

Requesting multiple cores

When submitting a job requiring multiple threads, an argument specifying the number of slots must be provided in the form of a parallel environment. The name of the parallel environment required varies based on how the cluster administrator set up the system, but a complete list of locally configured parallel environments can be viewed with the qconf command:

$ qconf -spl | head

Check with your cluster administrator for how to submit multicore jobs on your cluster.

In this example the parallel environment needed to submit a job with multiple cores is named omp. The following script submits a job requesting 16 cores:


#$ -pe omp 16
#$ -cwd # execute this qsub script in the directory where it was submitted

echo Running job with $NSLOTS cores
# fake command, that accepts the number of threads on the command line
./ --threads=$NSLOTS

The $NSLOTS environment variable is made available when qsub runs the batch job and is equal to the number of slots requested by the job.

Running executables directly

Executable commands may also be submitted as jobs to qsub using the -b y command line argument. This may be useful when an explicit qsub script is not needed because only a single command needs to be run. The following script and qsub command are equivalent:

$ cat hello_world.qsub
#$ -P project
echo hello world
$ qsub hello_world.qsub
Your job 2125668 ("hello_world.qsub") has been submitted
$ ls hello_world.qsub.*
hello_world.qsub.o2125688  hello_world.qsub.e2125688
$ cat hello_world.qsub.o2125688
hello world
$ qsub -P project -b y echo hello world
Your job 2125669 ("echo") has been submitted
$ ls echo.*
echo.o2125689  echo.e2125689
$ cat echo.o2125689
hello world
Command line arguments to scripts

Command line arguments may be passed to qsub scripts as with any other shell script. This may be useful for generalizing a qsub script to process multiple files:

$ cat command_w_args.qsub

#$ -P project
#$ -cwd

echo $1 $2
$ qsub command_w_args.qsub arg1 arg2
Your job 2125670 ("command_w_args.qsub") has been submitted
$ ls command_w_args.qsub.*
command_w_args.qsub.o2125670  command_w_args.qsub.e2125670
$ cat command_w_args.qsub.o2125670
arg1 arg2

qrsh / qlogin

qrsh and qlogin are synonymous commands for requesting interactive jobs. They use many of the same command line arguments as qsub:

$ hostname
$ qrsh -P project
Last login: Thu Jun  8 14:36:43 2017 from head_node
$ hostname


qstat prints out information about jobs currently queued and running on the cluster. By default running qstat will print out information on all jobs currently running, not just your own. To print out information on just your own jobs, provide the -u <username> argument to qstat:

$ qsub hello_world.qsub
Your job 2125674 ("hello_world.qsub") has been submitted
$ qstat -u my_username
job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID
2125674 0.00000 hello_worl my_username  qw    10/15/2017 17:094                                      2
$ # wait until job dequeues
$ qstat -u my_username
job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID
2125674 1.10004 hello_worl my_username  r     10/15/2017 17:09:35 some_worker_node                   2

The state column lists the state of each job you have submitted. qw means the job is still queued and has not been allocated. r means the job is running.

Sometimes it is useful to look at the specifics of a job request while it is running. To view all the details of a job submission, use the -j <jobid> command line option:

$ qsub hello_world.qsub
Your job 2125675 ("hello_world.qsub") has been submitted
$ qstat -j 2125675


qdel is the command used to remove a queued job or terminate a running job:

$ qsub hello_world.qsub
Your job 2125676 ("hello_world.qsub") has been submitted
$ qdel 2125676
Job 2125676 has been marked for deletion
$ qsub hello_world.qsub
Job 2125675 has been marked for deletion
$ qdel -u my_username
Jobs for user my_username have been marked for deletion

qsub script templates

Basic script


#$ -P project
#$ -cwd
#$ -o basic.stdout
#$ -e basic.stderr

# command

Multiple job slots


#$ -P project
#$ -cwd
#$ -o multicore.stdout
#$ -e multicore.stderr
#$ -pe omp SLOTS_HERE

echo Cores requested: $NSLOTS

Long running time


#$ -P project
#$ -cwd
#$ -o long_run_time.stdout
#$ -e long_run_time.stderr
#$ -l rt_h=24:00:00 # run for 24 hours max

# command

qsub Command line arguments

qsub -P project -o hello_world.stdout -e stderr -cwd -b y echo hello world